About Us
The firm was established by J.J. Lombard in 1979. In 1996 the company J.J. Lombard Professionele Landmeters (Pty) Ltd was established. Mr. A.M. Du Preez, today a Professional Land Surveyor and Professional Planner, joined the company in 1997. A.M. du Preez obtained shares in the Company in October 2004 and the name of the company changed to Lombard Du Preez Professionele Landmeters (Pty) Ltd. K.A. Lombard joined the company in June 2004, doing his articles as a Land Surveyor in Training and qualified as a Professional Land Surveyor in August 2006. He also obtained shares in the company in August 2006. Although the company originated as a Land Survey firm, J.J. Lombard did town planning work since the early 1980’s. A.M. du Preez later qualified himself as a registered Professional Planner (Town and Regional planner) as well, and the company is therefore a Land Survey and a Town Planning practice. J.J. Lombard retired from the company at the end of 2009. A.M. du Preez and K.A. Lombard, who took over the management of the company in 2010, are currently the only shareholders and directors of the company, and are both registered as Professional Land Surveyors with PLATO and are members of the South African Geomatics Institute (SAGI). A.M. du Preez is also registered with SACPLAN and is a member of the South African Planning Institute (SAPI). Lombard Du Preez is quite unique in the sense that we can offer a complete package of professional Town planning and Land Survey services within the same company.